
Getting Involved


All our events are listed here.

Patient & Public Involvement

You can also join our lived experience advisory panels and share your experiences. As a 'critical friend’, you can help to make research more relevant and improve the quality of treatment and care. You will be invited to meetings which are relaxed and friendly and we’ll ask your opinion on how a research study should work. You will be paid for your time.

If you would like to learn more about how to join our involvement groups, please contact involvementinresearch@spft.nhs.uk or give us a call on 0300 304 0088 and ask for Sam Robertson or Julia Fountain.

Research Network

The Research Network is our community of patients, carers, staff, researchers - in fact, anyone who is interested in learning more about our research. If you want to hear more about research studies, news and events, please join our Research Network.

To join the Research Network, follow the link and complete the form: https://www.sussexpartnership.nhs.uk/getting-involved-research-research or contact research@spft.nhs.uk or 0300 304 0088 for a paper form.